山茶碗 - 古美術 三坂堂 online shop,Amazon.com: 宗峰窯 Soine Kiln 458-13-653 Rice Bowl, Pastel Dots, Men's, φ4.8 x 2.5 inches (12.1 x 6.4 cm) : 居家與廚房,It is good and old 😊 (before 1990),Hello everyone. I want to know some information about it. Please tell me! Thank you very much for advance.,良杰茶坊- 今天特价。一套80年代100CC 外红内紫水平壶,杯4个杯: 高2cm x 宽3.6cm , 盘:高1.6cm x 宽15.2cm。 🎉有意者请私,谢谢🎉 | Facebook